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Gavin Smith - Train & Bus Writer

Gavin has worked as a bus and train driver for almost 30 years. He just retired, but his passion for vehicles still remains.

How Much Do Trains Cost To Buy?

As exciting as trains are, they are more complex to build or purchase. More is required than simply constructing rails and buying locomotives and passenger cars. An entire team of mechanics, engineers, conductors, and others is needed to ensure everything operates well. Still, with that in mind, how much do trains cost to buy? The average cost …

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Are Train Tracks Electrified?

The world and its daily practices are constantly evolving to become more environmentally friendly in the hopes of a greener and better future for the planet. Therefore, the next natural step in the locomotive transport industry is to convert trains from using diesel as a fuel to being electrically powered, which will decrease the carbon …

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8 Longest Trains In The World

The longest trains in the world are typically created and used to transport vast amounts of coal, iron ore, and other raw materials, as it’s the most cost-effective way of cargo transport. Long trains can move huge quantities, and railway companies have built the longest trains for decades to obtain valuable transport data for future …

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Do Buses Have Cameras?

Big Brother is always watching us! While it may not be in the Orwellian context of totalitarianism and dictatorship, cameras are everywhere these days. When we walk into a shop, there is nearly always CCTV. Schools have cameras, and street-level surveillance cameras capture license-plate information, traffic infringements, and more. So, do buses also have cameras? …

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